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Jim Shelhamer, Dan Clawson, and Jeremiah Ambrose renovated three sections of boardwalk at Memorial Forest.

The boardwalks and bridges on our trails get a lot of use--and they require lots of maintenance to keep them safe for visitors. 

On November 20...

MCA Meeting to Discuss Priority Lands

SVT and our partners in the Metrowest Conservation Alliance (MCA) have received some great news: The Network for Landscape Conservation recently...

Eastern Greenway-North. Photo by Louis Calisi.

SVT is thrilled to reach an incredible milestone! On September 12, we finalized a conservation restriction (CR) on the remarkable 45-acre Eastern...

Sabina Cardenas, SVT Staff

Sabina Cardenas recently joined the SVT staff as our Development and Administrative Assistant. Sabina will be involved in all aspects of SVT's...

Black-eyed Susans at Gowing's Swamp

For the past few years, SVT has worked with our partners in Concord and dozens of volunteers to restore a wildflower meadow at Gowing's Swamp. Through...

549 Main Street, Acton. Photo courtesy of the Acton Water District.

A 57-acre property that protects important water resources for Acton residents has been permanently protected with a conservation restriction (CR)...

SVT's Elise Brown, Kristin O'Brien, and Jane Maloney led a protocol training session at Cowassock Woods in early May..

Jane Maloney, SVT's Land Steward, has devised a new protocol for mapping and documenting the invasive plants on our conservation lands. The protocol...


The SVT staff has received the good news that our accreditation has been renewed. First accredited by the national Land Trust Alliance Commission...

Bose Volunteers at Mechanic Street, Upton

Thanks to the efforts of many hard-working volunteers during Volunteer Week 2024, we are making impressive progress on new trails at the recently...

Elise Brown, SVT Stewardship Field Assistant

Elise Brown joined the SVT staff in April as our Stewardship Field Assistant. From now until October, Elise will play a pivotal role in helping SVT...

Elise Brown, Margo McMahon, and Shelley Trucksis volunteered to add the plantings and restore the stream bank.

Thanks to support from several volunteers, we have taken another step toward restoring a stream bank at our Gray Conservation Area in Sudbury.

On April...

New native plants.

The grounds at our Wolbach Farm headquarters are being transformed!

We have many beautiful gardens and trees at Wolbach, but they were created at a...