Our Work

At Cedar Hill, SVT maintains bluebird nesting boxes as well as an early successional shrub habitat. Photo by SVT.
Land Protection Planning

Land Protection

Our Land Protection staff collaborates with individual landowners, local land trusts, and municipal, state, and federal partners to protect important ecological lands from development.  We place a priority on protecting areas with diverse plant life, healthy soils, clean water, and essential wildlife habitat. Our work protects the health of the region, its scenic beauty, and its agricultural heritage. Read about our current projects and learn about ways to conserve land.

Buckthorn pull at Elliott Concord River Preserve

Land Stewardship

Once we protect a property, we actively work to care for the land and the characteristics that inspired us to protect it. We fight non-native invasive species, restore essential wildlife habitat, and guard against illegal encroachments. To help the public enjoy our lands, we also create and maintain hiking trails. Learn more

Botany Outing. Photo by SVT Staff.

Programs & Events

SVT hosts dozens of programs and outings each year to help everyone connect with nature. Check out our Program Calendar

Greenways Boardwalk


SVT invites you to explore the beauty of this region on one of our trails. Find a trail near you.