
A ring-necked duck in Wayland, photographed by Gail Sartori.
Gail Sartori photographed this ring-necked duck on Dudley Pond in Wayland.
A northern shoveler in Wayland, photographed by Joan Chasan.
Joan Chasan photographed this pair of northern shovelers in Wayland.
Pussy willows at SVT's Upper Mill Brook Conservation Area in Wayland, photographed by Gail Sartori.
Gail Sartori photographed pussy willows and skunk cabbage at SVT's Upper Mill Brook Conservation Area in Wayland.
A brown creeper at SVT's Upper Mill Brook Conservation Area in Wayland, photographed by Gail Sartori.
Gail Sartori photographed this brown creeper at SVT's Upper Mill Brook Conservation Area in Wayland.
A bald eagle at Heard Farm Conservation Area in Wayland, photographed by Mason Missaggia.
Mason Missaggia photographed this bald eagle at Heard Farm Conservation Area in Wayland.
Hooded mergansers in Wayland, photographed by Joan Chasan.
Joan Chasan photographed these hooded mergansers in Wayland.
Canada geese, ring-necked ducks, and a mallard at Dudley Pond in Wayland, photographed by Gail Sartori.
Gail Sartori photographed Canada geese, ring-necked ducks, and a mallard at Dudley Pond in Maynard.
Common mergansers on Heard Pond in Wayland, photographed during a snow storm by Joan Chasan.
Common mergansers in the snow at Heard Pond in Wayland, photographed by Joan Chasan.
A mourning dove over Dudley Pond in Wayland, photographed by Gail Sartori.
Gail Sartori photographed this mourning dove over Dudley Pond in Wayland.
A great blue heron on an icy Dudley Pond in Wayland, photographed by Gail Sartori.
Gail Sartori photographed this great blue heron on the partially iced over Dudley Pond in Wayland.