
A rose-breasted grosbeak in Framingham, photographed by Joan Chasan.
Joan Chasan photographed this rose-breasted grosbeak in Framingham.
A white-tailed deer in Framingham, photographed with and automatically triggered wildlife camera by Margaret McKane.
Margaret McKane used her automatically triggered wildlife camera to photograph this white-tailed deer in Framingham.
A white-tailed deer, fawn, and wood ducks in Framingham, photographed with an automatically triggered wildlife camera by Margaret McKane.
Margaret McKane used her automatically triggered wildlife camera to photograph a white-tailed deer and its fawn in front of wood ducks in Framingham.
A cotton-tailed rabbit in Framingham, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed this cotton-tailed rabbit in Framingham.
Mute swans at Farm Pond in Framingham, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed these mute swans and red-winged blackbirds at Farm Pond in Framingham.
A great blue heron in Framingham, photographed by Margaret McKane.
Margaret McKane used her automatically triggered wildlife camera to photograph this great blue heron in Framingham.
An eastern bluebird at Baiting Brook-Welch in Framingham, photographed by Mike Perrin.
Mike Perrin photographed an eastern bluebird, a fox sparrow, and a winter wren at SVT's Baiting Brook-Welch Conservation Area in Framingham.
Canada geese at Farm Pond in Framingham, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed Canada geese, a gray squirrel, and a red-winged blackbird at Farm Pond in Framingham.
A western tanager in Framingham, photographed by Eileen Aronson.
Eileen Aronson photographed this western tanager in Framingham.
Michael Welles recorded this video of a white-tailed deer in his Framingham back yard.