Turkey Vulture

Steve Forman photographed American crows, a turkey vulture, a common grackle, and a red-winged blackbird at Hager Pond in Marlborough.

Steve Forman photographed a downy woodpecker, eastern bluebirds, and turkey vultures at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.

Steve Forman photographed a turkey vulture at Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Concord.

Steve Forman photographed a dark-eyed junco, European starlings, a turkey vulture, and a white-throated sparrow at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.

Steve Forman photographed an American robin, downy woodpeckers, a turkey vulture, an eastern bluebird, a house finch, song sparrow, a house sparrow, and a northern flicker at Breakneck Hill Conservation...

Steve Forman photographed a turkey vulture and a northern mockingbird at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.

Steve Forman photographed a black-capped chickadee, a palm warbler, a red-tailed hawk, a turkey vulture, and a yellow-rumped warbler at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.

Steve Forman photographed a northern mockingbird and a turkey vulture at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.

Steve Forman photographed an American goldfinch, a monarch butterfly, and a turkey vulture at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.
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