American Goldfinch

Steve Forman photographed an eastern carpenter bee, a monarch butterfly, an American goldfinch, and an American lady butterfly at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.

Steve Forman photographed house sparrows, ruby-throated hummingbirds, a cedar waxwing, American goldfinches, a gray catbird, and a red-tailed hawk at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.

Steve Forman photographed American goldfinches, a grasshopper, eastern tiger swallowtail butterflies, ruby-throated hummingbirds, barn swallows, monarch butterflies, a cotton-tailed rabbit, a red-tailed hawk, a tachinid fly, and a thick-headed fly...

Steve Forman photographed an American goldfinch, a black swallowtail, eastern tiger swallowtails, a gray catbird, a monarch butterfly, and a slaty skimmer at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.

Steve Forman photographed monarch butterflies, ruby-throated hummingbirds, a snowberry clearwing moth, a spicebush swallowtail, American goldfinches, a black swallowtail, a great spangled fritillary, and an eastern tiger swallowtail at Breakneck...

Nancy Wright photographed 13 species of birds in her Westborough back yard during the 2024 Great Backyard Bird Count.

Nancy Wright photographed an American robin, a Cooper's hawk, house sparrows, a mourning dove, northern cardinals, an American goldfinch, dark-eyed juncos, eastern bluebirds, and an American tree sparrow in Westborough.

Steve Forman photographed a monarch butterfly, a chipping sparrow, a grass-carrying wasp, and an American goldfinch at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.

Steve Forman photographed a clouded sulphur butterfly, a skipper, American goldfinches, ruby-throated hummingbirds, a cedar waxwing, a grasshopper, and a northern water snake at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.
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