Managing Your Land for Conservation Purposes

Through active stewardship, you can enhance the wildlife habitat and conservation values of your property, regardless of whether the land contains wetlands, forests, or meadows.
If there is a conservation restriction (CR) on your land, any project needs to fit within the terms of the CR. We will gladly work with you to figure out what is permitted by the CR and to plan a course of action.
Example habitat-improvement projects include:
- establishing a wildflower garden to benefit pollinating insects;
- letting peripheral lawn areas grow into meadows;
- installing bluebird and wood duck boxes;
- removing or controlling invasive species;
- improving trails and wetlands crossings; and
- managing woodlands for wildlife habitat and firewood production.
For More Information
Contact Us
We are always willing to discuss your land management options with you and point you toward the best resources for your situation. Contact information for our Stewardship staff is listed on the Contact SVT page.