A Changing Climate Webinar Series
"Growing Resilience Right Where You Are" with Allison Houghton View the Webinar
"Renewable Energy Options" with Larry Chretien View the Webinar
"Addressing the Crisis" with Lisa Vernegaard View the Webinar
"Growing Resilience Right Where You Are" with Allison Houghton View the Webinar
"Renewable Energy Options" with Larry Chretien View the Webinar
"Addressing the Crisis" with Lisa Vernegaard View the Webinar
Learn about different types of food gardening with Safiyat Hamiss of Tasty Harvests Kitchen Gardens. Safiyat will share various options for growing food in your backyard and tips for a successful harvest in 2023. View the Webinar
Cynthia Pratt offers a detailed overview on owls found in Massachusetts. Learn how to identify owls by their calls, when to listen for certain species of owls, and how to increase your chances of seeing an owl in the wild. View the Webinar
Birding enthusiast Michele Grzenda shares tips and tricks for both beginning and intermediate birdwatchers. View the Webinar
Travel with Jason George, wildlife photographer, as he takes us on a trip around the world in this webinar. Jason shares his not only his wildlife experiences but also his experiences of being dyslexic and the transitions and struggles he has encountered in his life. Stunning wildlife photos included! View the Webinar
Dan Stimson, SVT's Assistant Director of Stewardship, explains how local birds and mammals are adapted to survive a New England winter. Plus, he'll describe some SVT properties that are ideal for winter exploration--and he'll offer tips for identifying signs of wildlife. View the Webinar
If you look closely at the mountain flora of Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces in China, you will find a number of plants that are very similar to those here in New England. Using stunning photography, plant ecologist Ted Elliman shares his observations of the striking similarities between numerous trees, shrubs, wildflowers, and ferns in both regions. View the Webinar
Elke Jahns-Harms returns to share her fabulous photos and stories of monarchs. Elke and her husband Garth have gotten to know these magical creatures well while raising and releasing over a hundred butterflies. What makes these butterflies so special? How can we help them? In this Zoom webinar, Elke discussed facts and myths about monarchs and shared stories and photos from her experiences. View the Webinar
SVT member Neela de Zoysa, a botanist from Sri Lanka, talks about the unique plants and animals found in this Indian Ocean nation. Favorite spices such as cinnamon and cardamom originated in this island country, where elephants and leopards roam the land. Neela also discusses how deforestation and climate change are altering the native flora and fauna. View the Webinar
Dan Stimson, SVT Assistant Director of Stewardship, offers a look at the life history of beavers in Massachusetts, and he explains how the beaver's efforts to create its own habitat provides habitat for many other wildlife species as well. View the Webinar
Wildlife camera specialist Sally Naser explains how trail cameras work and provides tips on where to set them up to reveal the secret lives of our wildlife neighbors. See beautiful & compelling photos and videos of wildlife in western & central Massachusetts and hear stories from the field. View the Webinar
SVT's Lisa Vernegaard explains how you can attract pollinators to your garden. Using a stunning collection of photographs, Lisa will introduce you to some of the many winged creatures that will benefit from nature-based gardening and provide some tips for increasing your wildlife sightings. Co-sponsored with Lincoln-Sudbury Adult Education. View the Webinar
SVT's Kristin O'Brien explains how homeowners can recognize and control the invasive plants that creep into our home landscapes. View the Webinar
Daphne Blacker of Pre-pear highlights seasonal summer cooking from the new Stearns Farm CSA cookbook, Eat Your Share. In this webinar, Daphne shares some recipes, as well as tips for preparing and eating from your local farms. The Stearns Farm CSA in Framingham is located on land donated to SVT in 1975. View the Webinar