Red-winged Blackbird

A barn swallow in Southborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed a barn swallow, a red-tailed hawk, a turkey vulture, an eastern phoebe, a red-winged blackbird, a bumble bee, a cabbage white, and a house finch in Southborough.
A great blue heron at Farm Pond in Framingham, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed a great blue heron, Halloween pennant dragonflies, and a red-winged blackbird at Farm Pond in Framingham.
A spotted cucumber beetle in Southborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed a spotted cucumber beetle, great blue herons, a cedar waxwing, a red-winged blackbird, a barn swallow, and a spicebush swallowtail butterfly in Southborough.
A common garter snake in Harvard, photographed by Jon Turner.
Jon Turner photographed a common garter snake and a red-winged blackbird in Harvard.
A great blue heron at Grist Mill Pond in Sudbury, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed a great blue heron, a painted turtle, and a red-winged blackbird at Grist Mill Pond in Sudbury.
An American robin in Southborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed an American robin, great blue herons at their nests, a bathing brown-headed cowbird, cedar waxwings, an eastern kingbird, a ruby-throated hummingbird, yellow warblers, a northern mockingbird, a...
A Canada goose gosling at Hager Pond in Marlborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed a Canada goose gosling, a great blue heron, a family of mallards, a red-shouldered hawk being chased by a red-winged blackbird, eastern tiger swallowtail butterflies, a greater...
Mallard ducklings at Hager Pond in Marlborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed mallard ducklings, a red-winged blackbird, a solitary sandpiper, a spotted sandpiper, an eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly, and a killdeer at Hager Pond in Marlborough.
Canada geese at Grist Mill Pond in Sudbury, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed Canada geese, tree swallows, a great blue heron, a muskrat, and red-winged blackbirds at Grist Mill Pond in Sudbury.
Mute swans at Farm Pond in Framingham, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed these mute swans and red-winged blackbirds at Farm Pond in Framingham.