Please note: Peace Lutheran Church graciously allows visitors to park in its parking lot, but parking is not available during church services and other church activities.
With mapping software, search for this address: 107 Concord Road, Wayland, MA
Peace Lutheran Church allows its parking lot to be used for public parking when it is not being used for church activities; please avoid Sunday morning. Park at the back of the parking lot; an informational kiosk is located in the back of the lawn, behind a small fenced-in playground. The trail starts from the kiosk.
From the intersection of Route 20 and Routes 27/126 in Wayland, follow Route 126 north approximately 1.0 mile to the Peace Lutheran Church on your right.
There are also footpath entrances from Concord Road, Glezen Lane, and Claypit Hill Road.
Click here to visit Google Maps for specific directions from your home.