Nature Sightings

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Our Nature Sightings images depict the many species of wildlife that make their homes in the SVT region.

SVT protects and cares for some of this region’s most important forests, wetlands, and grasslands—natural areas that provide homes to the wildlife we see on walks, in our back yards, and in fleeting glimpses on roadsides.

SVT is grateful to the many members and friends who share their photographs and videos with our Nature Sightings page for everyone to enjoy. 

We also post selected images to our Facebook and Instagram pages, and we send a monthly Nature Sightings e-newsletter to interested subscribers.

Each year, we collect some of our favorite images into an online photo album:

Best of 2024     Best of 2023     Best of 2022     Best of 2021     Best of 2020

Interested in submitting a photo or video?

Please send it as an email attachment to Dan Stimson, [email protected].  (Please read our Nature Sightings Disclaimer before sending any images.


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A ruddy duck on Hager Pond in Marlborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed a ruddy duck, common mergansers, and a lesser scaup at Hager Pond in Marlborough.
A great blue heron at Hager Pond in Marlborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed a great blue heron and northern pintails at Hager Pond in Marlborough.
A hooded merganser at Sudbury Reservoir in Southborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed hooded mergansers and a bald eagle at the Sudbury Reservoir in Southborough.
Ruth Ladd photographed smooth rock tripe at Wayside Forest in Framingham.
Ruth Ladd photographed smooth rock tripe at Wayside Forest in Framingham.
Princess pines at Hop Brook Natural Area in Framingham, photographed by Ruth Ladd.
Ruth Ladd photographed princess pines at Hop Brook Natural Area in Framingham.
Pincushion moss at Henry's Hill in Framingham, photographed by Ruth Ladd.
Ruth Ladd photographed pincushion moss at Henry's Hill in Framingham.
A ring-billed gull at Hager Pond in Marlborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed a ring-billed gull, Canada geese, a great blue heron, a hooded merganser, ring-necked ducks, a great blue heron, mute swans, and wood ducks at Hager Pond in...
A hooded merganser at Chauncy Pond in Westborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed hooded mergansers at Chauncy Pond in Westborough.
A Cooper's hawk at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed a Cooper's hawk, Canada geese, and a red-tailed hawk at Breakneck Hill Conservation Land in Southborough.
A white-tailed deer in Framingham, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed this white-tailed deer in Framingham.
Ring-necked ducks on the Sudbury Reservoir in Southborough, photographed by Steve Forman.
Steve Forman photographed ring-necked ducks and bald eagles at the Sudbury Reservoir in Southborough.
A white-tailed deer and fawn in Marlborough, photographed with an automatically triggered wildlife camera by Karin Paquin.
Karin Paquin used her automatically triggered wildlife camera to photograph this white-tailed deer in Marlborough.
An ovenbird in Bolton, photographed by Jon Turner.
Jon Turner photographed an ovenbird, a yellow-rumped warbler, a red squirrel, a red-tailed hawk, and a great horned owl in Bolton between September and December.
An eastern phoebe at Horse Meadows Knoll in Harvard, photographed by Jon Turner.
Jon Turner photographed this eastern phoebe at Horse Meadows Knoll in Harvard.
A ring-billed gull at Hager Pond in Marlborough, photographed by Joan Chasan.
Joan Chasan photographed this ring-billed gull at Hager Pond in Marlborough.

Nature Sighting Species

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