Wolbach Farm

Wolbach Farm has something for everyone.  In early to mid-May, look for nodding trillium, wild geranium, dwarf ginseng, and wood anemone along the trails that parallel the intermittent Wolbach Brook. 

This pleasant 1.2 mile walk hosts a Storybook Trail and is great for families with young children or those looking for a short contemplative walk through the woods.  For those who want to learn more, an interpretive trail is marked by posts with QR codes that provide highlights for the summer and winter experience.

Full Description

Link to the Wolbach Farm Interpretive Trail
Link to the Storybook Trail

Following a bequest from John Wolbach, a long-time Sudbury resident and SVT member, Wolbach Farm has been SVT’s headquarters since 2004. John’s wishes were to preserve the land “predominately in its natural, scenic and open condition."

His parents had purchased what was then primarily a dairy farm in the 1910s and converted the property into a gentleman’s farm. During the Great Depression, the Wolbachs and the neighboring Newton family employed people to plant red pine, Norway spruce, and eastern hemlock in previously pastoral areas and around the house and barn. 

  • Wolbach Farm is part of the larger Great Meadows ecosystem along the Sudbury River, much of which is owned and managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge.
  • The 3/4-mile main loop of the George Lewis Memorial Trail (named for an SVT founder) takes you along a stream corridor, across a wetland, and then back through the woods to the small field adjacent to the main house. The 1/5-mile inner loop goes around a wetland and returns to the main loop. 


With mapping software, search for this address: Wolbach Road, Sudbury, MA

From the intersection of Route 20 and Routes 27/126 in Wayland, take Route 27 north toward Sudbury for approximately 1.5 miles, crossing the Sudbury River. After the river, the third road on the left is Wolbach Road, which is marked by an SVT sign. Follow the road to the parking lot on the right (just before the house).

From Interstate 495, take Route 62 east through Hudson. Continue straight when Route 62 goes north (towards Stow): This becomes State Road and then Hudson Road when you enter Sudbury. From the Hudson rotary to Sudbury Center is approximately 4.5 miles. Route 27 merges onto Hudson Road and goes through Sudbury Center. Continue approximately 1.0 mile on Route 27 after the Center; Wolbach Road will be on your right as you head downhill into a straightaway. If you cross the river, you have gone too far.

Click here to visit Google Maps for specific directions from your home.

Nearby Nature Sightings

Cardinal flowers at SVT's Wolbach Farm in Sudbury, photographed by Laura Mattei.
Laura Mattei photographed these cardinal flowers at SVT's Wolbach Farm in Sudbury.
Chris Reardon photographed this caterpillar at SVT's Wolbach Farm in Sudbury.
Chris Reardon photographed this caterpillar, a member of the tiger moth genus Haploa, at SVT's Wolbach Farm in Sudbury.
A white-breasted nuthatch at SVT's Wolbach Farm in Sudbury, photographed by Gail Sartori.
Gail Sartori photographed this white-breasted nuthatch at SVT's Wolbach Farm in Sudbury.